GitOps Automation
Git + Portainer = Automatic deployments
With support for any Git-based system, Portainer gives you the ability to automate the deployment of your applications to Docker and Kubernetes environments based on instructions in Git repos. Unlike other CD systems, Portainer offers both Push (your CI system tells Portainer there are changes) and Pull (Portainer checks for changes at a defined interval) based updating.
Portainer integrates with any CI tool, so no need to switch from your current system to take advantage of our GitOps functionality.
Check the state of your deployments, ensure they are up to date with the Git source of truth, and troubleshoot any issues.
Public or private, cloud hosted or on-premise, as long as you’re using Git with HTTP/S, Portainer can connect.
Portainer users can configure their own deployment pipelines using their own Git repositories or company-provided repos.
Use a Kubernetes YAML manifest or a Docker Compose YAML file in your repo to define your application config.
Portainer keeps an audit log of what goes on, including deployments through GitOps, so you can see what happened when.
How does Portainer fit into the DevOps flow?
Portainer is a GitOps tool. This means that we consider Git repositories as the “source of truth” for application deployment configurations. Automation is trigged by changes that occur in the Git repository, meaning developers are “hands off” in the deployment of their apps, only needing to use their existing Git tooling as per normal.
From a CI perspective, all that’s needed is to configure your pipeline to build images, push manifests, then wait for Portainer to detect the changes and deploy the application based on those changes. This could be as simple as a new image version tag, or as complex as adding or reconfiguring services as required.

What do our users say?

Key GitOps Features
Portainer provides all the features you need to deliver GitOps automation.
- Automatically or manually update your deployments
- Integrate with your existing CI tools
- Configure a change window
- Restrict user access with RBAC
- Force redeployment
- Audit logging
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Get your GitOps automation sorted
Talk to our team about how we can help you automate your deployments with GitOps and Portainer.