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Securely manage Docker, Swarm, Kubernetes and Podman clusters in the cloud, on-premise, and in the data center.
Secure app deployment and device management for your Industrial IoT, IoT and Edge devices.
Let Portainer's Managed Platform Services accelerate your containerization journey.
Manage all your Docker, Swarm, Kubernetes and Podman clusters from a single secure interface.
Portainer empowers Platform Engineering teams to deliver efficient, user-centric services.
Empower your business by adopting containerization the easy way with Portainer.
Deploy to and manage your fleet of remote devices centrally and securely.
Onboard, manage and deploy workloads across hundreds of devices securely with Portainer.
Deployment scenarios
Partner Solutions

Deploy Containers

  • Cloud and Datacenter
  • Industrial IoT and Edge

Portainer enables the adoption of your containers and applications without the hassle from the data center to the most complex Public Cloud and Industrial IoT environments.


Automated deployments or manual creation: either works

Whether you’ve got a full-blown automation system for your deployments or you like to spin your containers up manually (or something in between), Portainer lets you get your application up and running fast, whichever way works for you.

Infrastructure versatility
Infrastructure versatility

Whether in the Public Cloud on Azure, Google, or AWS or if you’re running on bare metal, Portainer can help you deploy there.

Create a test deployment
Create a test deployment

Before deploying to prod, test your application with manual deployments, customizing your deployment through an intuitive and powerful web interface.

Edit your application
Edit your application

Customize your application configuration through the comprehensive UI or edit the deployment code directly.

Choose Docker or Kubernetes
Choose Docker or Kubernetes

Portainer lets you use the orchestrator that best suits your needs, helping you get back to what you do best: developing your application.

Containers at the Edge
Containers at the Edge

Easily ship your application out to a fleet of Edge devices, ensuring they’re all up to date and working as expected.

Automate with GitOps
Automate with GitOps

Make Git the “source of truth” for your application deployments, ensuring that changes to your app automatically roll out to your environments.

Here's a scenario:

You have been provided an application you need to deploy on your new production Kubernetes infrastructure, but it is only available as a Docker image and associated Compose files. Your IT team has limited Kubernetes experience, but does have Docker experience. Running via orchestration is a key requirement for such a critical application.
With Portainer, your IT team is able to deploy the provided Docker image via the Compose files onto their test Docker environments quickly and easily, where the app and config were able to be tested fully. The team are then able to deploy the application using the same Compose files onto the production Kubernetes environment also managed in Portainer, using the same intuitive interface they are familiar with from their test environments. This results in a quick testing to live turnaround for the app, without the time and cost investment in Kubernetes-specific training for the IT team.

Don't just take it from us!

“With Portainer, deployment time has decreased significantly. It takes very little time for developers to publish the apps into our production environment using the GUI. We plan to move to an automated GitOps-based deployment model in due course, which is another reason for selecting Portainer as it has a GitOps engine already integrated into the platform”. Read more.
Suat UgurluAssociate Director, Technology Solutions and IT Security

Talk to us about your project

We're here to answer your questions on how Portainer can speed up your container adoption