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Why Most Teams Get Kubernetes User Authentication and RBAC Wrong (And How Portainer Fixes It)

Written by Neil Cresswell, CEO | September 26, 2024
Let’s talk about one of the least glamorous yet most critical aspects of Kubernetes: user authentication and Role-Based Access Control (RBAC). If you’re being honest, how much time have you wasted trying to configure users and roles in Kubernetes, only to realize that you got it completely wrong? Or worse, how often have you thought you got it right, only to open the door to security vulnerabilities or operational headaches down the line?

The truth is, Kubernetes’ RBAC model is notoriously misunderstood, and most teams are making it harder on themselves than it needs to be. User management in Kubernetes is complex, counterintuitive, and frankly, over-engineered for most real-world scenarios. But while others are busy drowning in YAML files and policies, Portainer offers a much simpler path to success.

Kubernetes RBAC: Why Is It So Hard?

Kubernetes was designed for flexibility and scale. That’s great—if you’re Google or Facebook. But for most businesses, that flexibility leads to complexity, and it all starts with RBAC.

Kubernetes RBAC is fundamentally built around four key resources: Roles, RoleBindings, ClusterRoles, and ClusterRoleBindings. These define who can do what, and where. On paper, it sounds simple enough: you define a role (what someone can do) and then assign it to a user (who can do it) via a binding. But the reality is far messier.

For starters, Kubernetes doesn’t have native support for user authentication. That’s right—you need external systems to even create user identities. Then you need to manually map those identities to appropriate roles using bindings. And here’s where most teams stumble: understanding the difference between Roles (namespace-specific permissions) and ClusterRoles (permissions that span the entire cluster) can become a confusing exercise in trial and error.

Add in the fact that every new project, microservice, or team requires a different configuration of roles and permissions, and suddenly you’re neck-deep in a forest of YAML files. Each new permission introduces the potential for misconfigurations, creating a fragile web of access controls that breaks if you pull the wrong thread.

The Common Missteps

Let’s look at some common mistakes that teams make when configuring Kubernetes user authentication and RBAC:

  • Over-privileged users: In an attempt to avoid the hassle of creating complex role bindings, many teams grant users far more permissions than they need. This is an open invitation for disaster, as a single mistake by an over-privileged user could take down an entire cluster. It also surprisingly common to see teams sharing the primary "cluster-admin" role, simply because its easier to get going. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize that's a terrible idea.

  • Role confusion: Many teams don’t fully understand the difference between namespace-specific Roles and cluster-wide ClusterRoles, resulting in users having too much or too little access. Misconfigurations here can lead to security breaches or broken workflows.

  • Manual user management: Without native user authentication in Kubernetes, teams rely on external tools or even manual processes to manage identities. This introduces inconsistencies and increases the risk of errors, especially as teams and clusters grow.

  • Policy sprawl: Each project or microservice demands its own custom role definitions and bindings. Over time, this leads to policy sprawl, making it nearly impossible to keep track of who has access to what. And the more policies you have, the more likely you are to make a mistake.

Portainer’s Antidote: Five Simple Roles to Tame the Chaos

Enter Portainer. While Kubernetes’ native RBAC model might be endlessly flexible, it’s also endlessly complicated. Portainer takes a different approach: simplicity without sacrificing control. Instead of forcing you to manage dozens of bespoke roles, Portainer simplifies the process by providing five built-in roles that cover the vast majority of use cases. These predefined roles eliminate the guesswork and confusion, allowing you to secure your Kubernetes clusters with just a few clicks.

Here’s how the Portainer roles break down:

  • Environment Admin: The Admin role has full control over everything in the environment. This includes managing users, configuring settings, and deploying services.

  • Operator: The Operator role gives users control over currently deployed resources, allowing them to triage, redeploy, and remediate as needed, but without granting them the ability to create new resources or delete what is running.

  • Helpdesk: The Helpdesk role is a read-only role, designed for users who need to monitor or audit cluster resources but shouldn’t be making any changes. Perfect for support staff.

  • Standard User: The Standard User role allows users to deploy, modify, and manage resources within their assigned namespaces. This ensures that users can focus on building and deploying applications without overstepping into administrative territory.

  • Read Only User: The read only user role is the least privileged, designed for users who need to monitor a subset of an environment, constrained to visibility into only a select number of namespaces.

To see how Portainer's simplified RBAC can be utilized for your company, you can walk through a live example as part of the Portainer Academy's Best Practice Install Guide.


Why Portainer’s Approach Works

Portainer’s approach to RBAC works because it’s pragmatic. Most organizations don’t need dozens of custom roles with fine-grained permissions. They need a system that balances security and ease of use, without introducing unnecessary complexity.

Here’s why Portainer’s approach makes sense:

  • Predefined roles, not policy sprawl: By offering just five roles, Portainer keeps things simple. You don’t have to worry about role proliferation or policy sprawl. Each role is carefully designed to meet the needs of real-world teams.

  • Clear distinctions: The roles in Portainer are clearly defined, with no ambiguity. Operators operate, Users deploy applications, and Helpdesk monitors. This prevents the role confusion that often plagues Kubernetes’ native RBAC model.

  • Less YAML, more productivity: With Portainer, you don’t have to write YAML files to manage access control. It’s all built into the UI, allowing you to assign roles with just a few clicks. That means less time wrangling configurations and more time building applications.

Take Back Control with Portainer

Kubernetes user authentication and RBAC don’t have to be this hard. The complexity that most teams face is a result of misunderstanding the system and trying to manage access at a level of detail that’s unnecessary for most real-world use cases. Instead of drowning in YAML files, over-privileged users, and policy sprawl, it’s time to adopt a simpler, more effective approach.

Portainer’s five built-in roles cut through the complexity, offering a streamlined solution that balances security and simplicity. With Portainer, you can take back control of your Kubernetes clusters, ensure that the right people have the right access, and get back to focusing on what really matters: delivering value.

Stop struggling with Kubernetes RBAC. Portainer is the antidote to complexity—five roles, zero confusion.